At Spring Branch, we subscribe to a TRADITIONAL view of biblical Christianity. These are the foundational core beliefs that undergird all we do. Click each section below to read the statements.
The Bible
The foundation for our faith is the Bible. The sixty-six books were inspired by God through human writers, are error free, and stand as the final authority for life spiritually, physically, emotionally and relationally. Scripture, at one and the same time, speaks with the authority of God and reflects the backgrounds, styles, and vocabularies of the writers.
The Bible teaches that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit. These three exist in unity with different roles, yet full equality.
Mankind and Sin
God created the universe and gave mankind a unique place of relationship with Him. However, by exercising free will, the first man and woman chose to live outside of God’s order. This choice resulted in spiritual separation from Him (death), relationship breakdowns, and the struggle for survival. The Bible refers to those attitudes and actions that move men and women away from God as sin. As a result of sin, God planned to act in history to restore that original intent of relationship with His creation. This dramatic plan unfolded and culminated in God’s entrance into the world as Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life and died to bridge the gap of human sin. God reaches out to humanity through Christ. All who receive Him as Savior, by willfully opening their minds and hearts to Him, receive forgiveness and eternal life. The Bible calls this salvation. The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is the focal point of the Christian faith. The resurrection is supported by eyewitness testimony in the New Testament. This preeminent event is proved by a process of legal evidence and is the historical statement of God’s sovereignty over life and death.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit plays several key roles in the lives of human beings. The Spirit draws the mind to consider God as the Originator of life and helps people to understand the Scriptures. The Spirit of God also reveals the impact of sin, which paves the way for confession and forgiveness. Finally, the Holy Spirit superintends the growth of Christians toward maturity in Christ. The indwelling Spirit isn’t a feeling but rather a reality of faith.
The Church
The Church is all those who place their faith in Jesus Christ and affirm the traditional teachings of Christianity. Christian churches are communities formed for worship, education, fellowship, service, and communicating the gospel. Baptism and communion have been observed as symbols of faith in Christ for twenty centuries.